Meet the Team

  • Liam Daly

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I have a passion for music. My music journey started as a 6 year-old, when my cousin began teaching me piano.

    From there I studied classical and popular music through the formal grading process. I went to study music and production at LIPA Sixth Form College, then graduated to Liverpool Hope University. At both institutions I gained a broad variety of practical and theoretical skills in performance, composition, and music production.

    Since sixth form I’ve also been a part of the local band Monks, playing bass guitar and more recently experimenting with synthesisers.

    Over the 6 years I’ve had real world experience in the music industry and played venues nation wide. I gig regularly in Monks (and other bands) and continue to learn about different facets of music.

    Right now Capeesh is giving me the opportunity to enter the world of music tutoring and mentoring, enabling me to pass on my skills and knowledge to others.

  • Samya O'Grady

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I studied sound technology at LIPA Sixth Form College for 2 years which led me to forming my own funk fusion band Cafalpa, as well as pursuing a solo career as a singer-songwriter musician.

    I play piano, guitar, bass and sing - so whatever the young people want to learn, I do my very best in supporting them!

    I completed the ‘Introduction To Youth Work’ Certificate in Summer 2022, which I studied for and achieved through Capeesh, in Harthill Youth Centre. I am now close to completing my Level 2 in Youth Work also.

    I've been involved with Capeesh (Liverpool) CIC ever since I moved to South Liverpool and I LOVE it! ,,, Not only has it provided me with so many opportunities in music, but it has allowed me to work on my tutoring and mentoring skills and (hopefully) motivate children to pursue an interest in music/the arts now and in the future.

  • Grace Parry

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I studied Music Performance & Production at LIPA Sixth Form College. I achieved a Diploma and Extended Diploma (which I received in July 2023). Alongside this, I am a recording and performing solo artist and singer/songwriter. More recently I have gigged with a backing band and formed a new band with friends (that it still at the rehearsal stage).

    For Capeesh I mainly tutor guitar and singing, however also share bass and keyboard skills depending on demand. I particularly enjoy working on collaborations with young people and co-tutors. Since Spring 2024, I have led a group of young people to learn and play guitar at Scrapyard Studios CIC in Bootle.

    Working with Capeesh is extremely rewarding and I am especially grateful for all of the opportunities I have gained through this. Young people are so overlooked by many people and I believe that Capeesh gives them a chance to flourish in a supportive and creative environment.

  • Izzy Parker

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I studied Music Performance & Amp Production at LIPA Sixth Form College as a vocalist, graduating with an extended diploma in August 2023.

    I’ve since moved to Liverpool from my home town in North Wales and started studying Management for the Creative Industries at Liverpool Institute For Performing Arts.

    Prior to higher education, I obtained ABRSM grades in singing and music theory, and still have weekly singing lessons which are now mainly used to help me build my understanding of vocal health and technique.

    I started with Capeesh CIC in September 2023 after moving to Liverpool, and offer singing lessons as well as music theory support.

    The voice can be one of the most therapeutic and accessible instruments, and as well as being able to offer vocal technique advice, I love seeing confidence-growth, shining personality and talent of our young people.

    Alongside Uni and Capeesh, I’m part of the team at Scrapyard Studios CIC in Bootle, working for a project called Gals Who Gig. We’re a team of women who aim to run gigs that support women’s careers in the music industry and give them a safe space to succeed. I love the community created by Scrapyard and Capeesh, and feel proud to be a part of both.

  • Livia Elhert

    Music Tutor/Mentor

  • Elliot Gill

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I am a professional musician in my mid-twenties, playing lead guitar for my band STONE, having been playing live and writing since the age of 17.

    Having a fixation with guitars and rock music and aspiring for a life playing music from age 9, I started with years of solitary playing and listening to a lot of styles of alternative music. Since playing in a band I have not looked back! I also have an affinity with music production, having studied music technology in my college years where I also developed my skills to write/produce my own demos.

    Over the years I have attained a lot of valuable experience and insight into the music industry, developing my musicianship and gaining valuable experiences touring, writing, and recording, (having signed to a major label). I already have unforgettable experiences and a sense of purpose in my life’ which is something I want to share and enthuse others with.

    My involvement with Capeesh comes from my passion for encouraging and supporting the pursuit of music for young people and the vision for this project, which I have always admired.

    My experience working with young people stems from my prior job working admin in a high school which brought a very personable role and rapport with young people - something I have always valued and like to continue in my youth work, in conjunction with music.

    It has been one of the most rewarding opportunities seeing Capeesh build skills and confidence and seeing the personalities of our amazing students here, from the Harthill centre to our matinee showcases, and since 2022 finding a role in this community that I try to balance with my career.

    This relationship is one that goes both ways, keeping me inspired and striving to share this and help others so that they too can enrich their lives with the gift of music. This is thanks to the collaborative focus and positive energy working with such an inspired and talented team whose work is invaluable.

    Thank you for keeping me involved where I can!

  • Ellie Parrington

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    After picking up the guitar at age 9, my interest in music has only progressed, leading to me learning bass during lockdown. I am currently the bass player of a band who are in their rehearsal stages.

    Alongside my musical pursuits, I am currently studying a degree in Biochemistry at the University of Liverpool. I have found that throughout my academic journey that music has always been my creative outlet and biggest escape from my studies.

    Through Capeesh CIC I hope to support young people through their musical journey, as I think it’s crucial for spaces like Capeesh to exist, allowing young people access to resources and knowledge that can help them thrive.

    My goal is to help young people to develop their skills and to find passion and fulfilment in music, just as I have.

  • Zack Smith

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    Since graduating from LIPA in 2021 with a BA Hons in Songwriting and Performance, I have honed essential skills and experiences as a tutor and instrumentalist. As a session drummer I have been all over the world playing gigs and I am very grateful for the opportunities music has presented me with.

    At Capeesh CIC I am a guitar and drum teacher, which mainly entails teaching chords, songs and some lead work. For drumming we work on beats, different rhythms and fills to develop the student’s skill set on the kit. I try to make the lessons as fun and inclusive as possible to create a welcoming environment for the students.

    My ethos is to develop the students from their influences and focus on music that they enjoy to make lessons interesting and exciting. As a musician I continue to work as a teacher and session player. I now work for the company, Musical Minds also, and this has provided me with valuable experience and knowledge in the education sector. I enjoy working at Capeesh CIC as I am keen to pass my experience down to the students, to hopefully help them on their musical journey.

  • Elan Roberts

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    Since completing my Music Scholarship with Ellesmere College in 2017, I have completed both a Degree and a Masters of Research with the University of Liverpool Music Department.

    During my time at university and since, I have tutored in music (both as an academic tutor and as an instrumental tutor) as well as teaching Music at a Secondary School in Liverpool.

    For Capeesh I mostly teach singing, but also provide music theory support and the occasional lesson of ukelele!

    I continue to gig locally and play music in various groups. This, along with working with Capeesh, allows me to continue making music and (hopefully!) inspiring the young musicians of the future.

  • Kali Diston-Jones

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    Since graduating from LIPA Sixth Form College in 2019 with an Extended Diploma in Music Performance and Production, I have gained extensive music industry experience as a drummer for Liverpool 5-piece band Monks, (touring the UK and recording with successful producers). In 2022 I graduated from LIPA with a B.A. in Music, (specialising in composition and production).

    I am primarily a tutor of drums for Capeesh, but can pass on guitar and bass skills also. I recently took up an opportunity (through Capeesh) to learn DJ skills, which I have since used at various music events across Liverpool.

    I continues to work as a professional musician and also work full-time at LIPA, as a Learning Support Assistant. I continue to expand my knowledge of a wide range of musical disciplines, which in turn informs my work supporting musicians.

  • Sami Baleid

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I teach bass, song writing, and rapping. I have worked for Capeesh for 2 years and have enjoyed doing so every step of the way.

    In school I studied Maths, Physics, and Engineering. In search of creative outlets I found music and acting to be my choices. In the future I hope to continue to engage with more youth music work as without having the opportunity when I was younger I wouldn't be the person I am today.

    In September 2022 I moved to Aberdeen to study electrical engineering. With my degree I hope to make the world a better place through effective and efficient design!

  • Austin Filstrup

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I teach guitar, bass and drums at Capeesh and enjoy being able to share what I have learned within my local community.

    I moved to Liverpool in order to study music 6 years ago and have stayed since because of my affinity for the city.

    During my time here I have played drums, bass, guitar, and vocals through various musical projects.

    I have received a BA in Music from the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts and an MA in Music Industry from the University of Liverpool; and I look forward to what I can contribute to the team.

  • Beth Graham

    Music Tutor/Mentor

Meet the Team

  • Liam Daly

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I have a passion for music. My music journey started as a 6 year-old, when my cousin began teaching me piano.

    From there I studied classical and popular music through the formal grading process. I went to study music and production at LIPA Sixth Form College, then graduated to Liverpool Hope University. At both institutions I gained a broad variety of practical and theoretical skills in performance, composition, and music production.

    Since sixth form I’ve also been a part of the local band Monks, playing bass guitar and more recently experimenting with synthesisers.

    Over the 6 years I’ve had real world experience in the music industry and played venues nation wide. I gig regularly in Monks (and other bands) and continue to learn about different facets of music.

    Right now Capeesh is giving me the opportunity to enter the world of music tutoring and mentoring, enabling me to pass on my skills and knowledge to others.

  • Samya O'Grady

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I studied sound technology at LIPA Sixth Form College for 2 years which led me to forming my own funk fusion band Cafalpa, as well as pursuing a solo career as a singer-songwriter musician.

    I play piano, guitar, bass and sing - so whatever the young people want to learn, I do my very best in supporting them!

    I completed the ‘Introduction To Youth Work’ Certificate in Summer 2022, which I studied for and achieved through Capeesh, in Harthill Youth Centre. I am now close to completing my Level 2 in Youth Work also.

    I've been involved with Capeesh (Liverpool) CIC ever since I moved to South Liverpool and I LOVE it! ,,, Not only has it provided me with so many opportunities in music, but it has allowed me to work on my tutoring and mentoring skills and (hopefully) motivate children to pursue an interest in music/the arts now and in the future.

  • Grace Parry

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I studied Music Performance & Production at LIPA Sixth Form College. I achieved a Diploma and Extended Diploma (which I received in July 2023). Alongside this, I am a recording and performing solo artist and singer/songwriter. More recently I have gigged with a backing band and formed a new band with friends (that it still at the rehearsal stage).

    For Capeesh I mainly tutor guitar and singing, however also share bass and keyboard skills depending on demand. I particularly enjoy working on collaborations with young people and co-tutors. Since Spring 2024, I have led a group of young people to learn and play guitar at Scrapyard Studios CIC in Bootle.

    Working with Capeesh is extremely rewarding and I am especially grateful for all of the opportunities I have gained through this. Young people are so overlooked by many people and I believe that Capeesh gives them a chance to flourish in a supportive and creative environment.

  • Izzy Parker

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I studied Music Performance & Amp Production at LIPA Sixth Form College as a vocalist, graduating with an extended diploma in August 2023.

    I’ve since moved to Liverpool from my home town in North Wales and started studying Management for the Creative Industries at Liverpool Institute For Performing Arts.

    Prior to higher education, I obtained ABRSM grades in singing and music theory, and still have weekly singing lessons which are now mainly used to help me build my understanding of vocal health and technique.

    I started with Capeesh CIC in September 2023 after moving to Liverpool, and offer singing lessons as well as music theory support.

    The voice can be one of the most therapeutic and accessible instruments, and as well as being able to offer vocal technique advice, I love seeing confidence-growth, shining personality and talent of our young people.

    Alongside Uni and Capeesh, I’m part of the team at Scrapyard Studios CIC in Bootle, working for a project called Gals Who Gig. We’re a team of women who aim to run gigs that support women’s careers in the music industry and give them a safe space to succeed. I love the community created by Scrapyard and Capeesh, and feel proud to be a part of both.

  • Livia Elhert

    Music Tutor/Mentor

  • Elliot Gill

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I am a professional musician in my mid-twenties, playing lead guitar for my band STONE, having been playing live and writing since the age of 17.

    Having a fixation with guitars and rock music and aspiring for a life playing music from age 9, I started with years of solitary playing and listening to a lot of styles of alternative music. Since playing in a band I have not looked back! I also have an affinity with music production, having studied music technology in my college years where I also developed my skills to write/produce my own demos.

    Over the years I have attained a lot of valuable experience and insight into the music industry, developing my musicianship and gaining valuable experiences touring, writing, and recording, (having signed to a major label). I already have unforgettable experiences and a sense of purpose in my life’ which is something I want to share and enthuse others with.

    My involvement with Capeesh comes from my passion for encouraging and supporting the pursuit of music for young people and the vision for this project, which I have always admired.

    My experience working with young people stems from my prior job working admin in a high school which brought a very personable role and rapport with young people - something I have always valued and like to continue in my youth work, in conjunction with music.

    It has been one of the most rewarding opportunities seeing Capeesh build skills and confidence and seeing the personalities of our amazing students here, from the Harthill centre to our matinee showcases, and since 2022 finding a role in this community that I try to balance with my career.

    This relationship is one that goes both ways, keeping me inspired and striving to share this and help others so that they too can enrich their lives with the gift of music. This is thanks to the collaborative focus and positive energy working with such an inspired and talented team whose work is invaluable.

    Thank you for keeping me involved where I can!

  • Ellie Parrington

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    After picking up the guitar at age 9, my interest in music has only progressed, leading to me learning bass during lockdown. I am currently the bass player of a band who are in their rehearsal stages.

    Alongside my musical pursuits, I am currently studying a degree in Biochemistry at the University of Liverpool. I have found that throughout my academic journey that music has always been my creative outlet and biggest escape from my studies.

    Through Capeesh CIC I hope to support young people through their musical journey, as I think it’s crucial for spaces like Capeesh to exist, allowing young people access to resources and knowledge that can help them thrive.

    My goal is to help young people to develop their skills and to find passion and fulfilment in music, just as I have.

  • Zack Smith

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    Since graduating from LIPA in 2021 with a BA Hons in Songwriting and Performance, I have honed essential skills and experiences as a tutor and instrumentalist. As a session drummer I have been all over the world playing gigs and I am very grateful for the opportunities music has presented me with.

    At Capeesh CIC I am a guitar and drum teacher, which mainly entails teaching chords, songs and some lead work. For drumming we work on beats, different rhythms and fills to develop the student’s skill set on the kit. I try to make the lessons as fun and inclusive as possible to create a welcoming environment for the students.

    My ethos is to develop the students from their influences and focus on music that they enjoy to make lessons interesting and exciting. As a musician I continue to work as a teacher and session player. I now work for the company, Musical Minds also, and this has provided me with valuable experience and knowledge in the education sector. I enjoy working at Capeesh CIC as I am keen to pass my experience down to the students, to hopefully help them on their musical journey.

  • Elan Roberts

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    Since completing my Music Scholarship with Ellesmere College in 2017, I have completed both a Degree and a Masters of Research with the University of Liverpool Music Department.

    During my time at university and since, I have tutored in music (both as an academic tutor and as an instrumental tutor) as well as teaching Music at a Secondary School in Liverpool.

    For Capeesh I mostly teach singing, but also provide music theory support and the occasional lesson of ukelele!

    I continue to gig locally and play music in various groups. This, along with working with Capeesh, allows me to continue making music and (hopefully!) inspiring the young musicians of the future.

  • Kali Diston-Jones

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    Since graduating from LIPA Sixth Form College in 2019 with an Extended Diploma in Music Performance and Production, I have gained extensive music industry experience as a drummer for Liverpool 5-piece band Monks, (touring the UK and recording with successful producers). In 2022 I graduated from LIPA with a B.A. in Music, (specialising in composition and production).

    I am primarily a tutor of drums for Capeesh, but can pass on guitar and bass skills also. I recently took up an opportunity (through Capeesh) to learn DJ skills, which I have since used at various music events across Liverpool.

    I continues to work as a professional musician and also work full-time at LIPA, as a Learning Support Assistant. I continue to expand my knowledge of a wide range of musical disciplines, which in turn informs my work supporting musicians.

  • Sami Baleid

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I teach bass, song writing, and rapping. I have worked for Capeesh for 2 years and have enjoyed doing so every step of the way.

    In school I studied Maths, Physics, and Engineering. In search of creative outlets I found music and acting to be my choices. In the future I hope to continue to engage with more youth music work as without having the opportunity when I was younger I wouldn't be the person I am today.

    In September 2022 I moved to Aberdeen to study electrical engineering. With my degree I hope to make the world a better place through effective and efficient design!

  • Austin Filstrup

    Music Tutor/Mentor

    I teach guitar, bass and drums at Capeesh and enjoy being able to share what I have learned within my local community.

    I moved to Liverpool in order to study music 6 years ago and have stayed since because of my affinity for the city.

    During my time here I have played drums, bass, guitar, and vocals through various musical projects.

    I have received a BA in Music from the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts and an MA in Music Industry from the University of Liverpool; and I look forward to what I can contribute to the team.

  • Beth Graham

    Music Tutor/Mentor