Pilot Project (Summer 2021)

Following a voluntary initiative from Capeesh CIC (in collaboration with the Harthill Youth Centre) in 2019 and a period of stop-start activity during the ensuing Coronavirus pandemic, a funding grant of £1000 in Spring 2021 was sought and received from Liverpool City Council, (via the Mayoral Neighbourhood Fund) to run a pilot youth music project.

Our local councillors supported our collaborative work from its inception and they were instrumental in enabling us to develop our vision through project work.

The pilot project we proposed was to run along the lines of what we'd set about doing previously, but this time with the additional support of a team of local young musicians, (to help meet the demand we'd encountered in our earlier attempts to engage young people in music activities).

The initiative was a resounding success and earned us recognition from professionals, local politicians, funders, parents and most importantly, the young people we’d engaged as participants and as paid tutor-mentors.

The full report of the pilot project can be read here.